Category Archives: Festivals & Events

Foodbuzz 24,24,24: NY “Urban Orphan’s” Thanksgiving TURDUCKEN Dinner

Dear Food Diary:
New York is a city adorned with lights, brought to life by millions and millions of hopes and dreams from people who leave everything behind, their family, friends, and hometown, in search of making it all come true. These are the people I call “urban orphans”.
Jay Z and Alicia Keys describe it best:
“New York!!! Concrete jungle where dreams are made of. There’s nothing you can’t do… These streets will make you feel brand new, the lights will inspire you…”
I came to NY 10 years ago, arriving at 34th street and 10th Ave, with nothing but a suitcase full of excitement and expectations. It hasn’t been easy, but I wouldn’t trade if for anything. Likewise, in this melting pot, there’s a story similar to mine everywhere I turn. The holidays are the time we feel the most homesick. Over the years, I’ve spent Thanksgiving at several friends’ homes (very gracious of them), but honestly the sight of an entire family sharing, laughing and eating together, makes me miss home that much more.

Foodbuzz Blogger Festival 2009

All the goodies we scored, plus a fun photo booth pic, the top right pic was taken after the first pic, as I walked out of the booth thinking I was done (it was 3pm and I already had an array of wines and beer, enough said)
Dear Food Diary:

The best way to describe FoodBuzz Blogger Festival would be the convo I had with my mama:
me: “I decided to attend the food blogger festival!”
mom: “What’s that? why are you going? is it safe?”
me: “You know how you say ALL I think about is food, even when I’m eating?”
mom: “Yes! you still do, all the time!”
me: “Yeah, so imagine 250 people just like me, together for a couple days”
mom: “Hahaha, oh you’re gonna meet a lot of good friends”

Warwick, NY: Annual AppleFest 2009

Dear Food Diary:
A couple weeks ago, we drove upstate for the Annual Apple Fest in Warwick. It was a nice afternoon, browsing along the streets filled with hundreds of vendors, and even more fellow visitors. We ate, shopped, went apple picking and did an awful wine tasting (more on that later).

EN: Zagat presents “taste of Japanese Premium Beef”

Dear Food Diary:
EN Japanese Brasserie has always been top of my list, love their asian inspired cocktails, homemade tofu, and the concept of dishes tapas style (great beef tataki, pork and uni dishes). They have one of the best miso cod in the city. So when Zagat sent an email about Taste of Japanese Premium Beef Event at EN, the carnivore in me just couldn’t resist, I knew I was in for a red meat feast, 7 courses for $85.

NYC Wine & Food Festival: Meatpacking Uncorked

Click to enlarge
Dear Food Diary:
A nice Friday night underneath High-line, in the Meatpacking with endless wine tasting, and some local eateries’ yummy bites. A little chaotic, lots of long lines, but very fun and tasty. Sipping wine from all over the world, in different hip boutiques, bars, restaurants and modern furniture stores.