Good and Bad Day in the Life of a Food Blogger

Today started as a really bad day at work and then I realize this site Foodsherpa (don’t click and give them more traffic)… stole all the feed from my blog and put it as their NY section WITHOUT MY PERMISSION (fotos and all). So mad!!! So wrong!!!

Good thing the food blogging community is very kind and my fellow blogger friends have given me great advice to handle such matter.

BUT then I go into Twitter and see this:  (big ear to ear smile)

Yes! that Andrew Zimmern… one of my all time tv/foodie heros! I got cable ‘cuz of Bizarre Foods. He’s the guy who inspires me to look for “unique” eats in my travels. And no, I wasn’t following him… (but of course I will)… Well, he’s also following another 2230 people… but who’s counting right? =)


6 Responses to Good and Bad Day in the Life of a Food Blogger

  1. Anonymous says:

    oh thats cool I must follow you if I am not already that


  2. Anonymous says:

    Wow! That's awesome! What a great ending to a bad day. 🙂

  3. Anonymous says:

    =) thanks!

    i know right?

  4. Anonymous says:

    My first reaction is, why aren't I following you on twitter?? (err just about to fix that one)

    You are actually the reason why I started blogging, was all due to a trip I took to NYC in Jan this year and I stumbled upon your blog middle of last year while researching restaurants.

    That is way cool that Andrew is following you. Sadly I know that what happened to you is not uncommon.

    I love your blog even though it really just makes me jealous now that I am back home in Australia 🙁

  5. Anonymous says:

    Awww Sara, that's so awesome! thanks for telling me. Blogging is very rewarding sometimes, thank you for reading. Australia is on my list of places to visit! Good luck with your blog! Keep up the good job =)

  6. Anonymous says:

    When you eventually plan to make it down to my side of the world please let me know 🙂

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