Sara Snacker’s Chipn’etzel: Potato Chips + Pretzel in a Cookie!?

Dear Food Diary:
The folks at Sara Snacker were nice enough to send over their Original Potato Chip and Pretzel Cookies, trust me, when I first read the cute label, I said *huh?*, just like you must be right now. These aren’t things you usually picture together in one bite. I mean on their own, very popular snacks/junk food, but baked together and then dipped in chocolate?
But boy was I in for a surprise!
Think shortbread, but not as dense and more crumbly, perfectly buttery, plus tiny pieces of salty pretzels, and a hint of potato chips, covered in dark chocolate. It’s sweet and salty (but not overly of either, just the right balance), then crunchiness pops out here and there, a semi sweet chocolate melts in your mouth (I personally loved the dark chocolate over white, but I don’t like white chocolate in general so that’s very subjective). I like how she covered half, so it wasn’t overwhelming. I’m actually eating them as I type, yum!
It’s a very unique cookie idea, but I would of liked a little more Potato Chips, I wonder if it melted in the baking?… I thought they were very yummy, but a couple more pieces of chips and pretzel would be even better. Maybe in the future, add some Jalepeno chips? or Black Pepper to give it a kick? I think that would make it even more awesomely addictive.
They’re selling them at the Amish Market near me, and since these were “complimentary”, but honestly, I would totally buy the dark chocolate ones again and again (suggested price is $4.99). I’m actually picking up some for my friends Wine and Champagne Party this Sunday. They feel like they were done by hand, with a lot joy and love, small batches made from scratch. No cookie cutter here.
Sara, the CEO and owner of Sara Snacker has a sweet story of her own, she was a high ranked tv executive producer in LaLa Land before she moved back to the Big Apple in pursue of her long time cookie passion/obsession. I *heart* these kinds of stories, these are people who put so much of themselves into every box you buy.
P.S. Chubby’s RATING:
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5 Responses to Sara Snacker’s Chipn’etzel: Potato Chips + Pretzel in a Cookie!?

  1. Anonymous says:

    I love your blog! Thanks for commenting on ours. Would you like to swap links? I would have emailed, but it wouldn't allow me to!


  2. Anonymous says:

    fork, I tried clicking on your page but it doesn't work either!!!! if anything, you can email me at

  3. Anonymous says:

    Don't be fooled, there is nothing "Homemade" about the Chipn'etzel. These cookies are mass produced in a commercial bakery in New Jersey.

    While the cookies are delicious, Sara Snacker can't take credit for the recipe it is just a knock off of Momofuku's Compost Cookie

  4. Anonymous says:

    Cary, they are hand dipped…

    but momofuku can't take credit for soaking cereal in milk and selling that… yet ppl find that a "novelty". Before writing this post, I did some research, and from what I read, cookie recipes can't be "owned" by anyone, so they can't claim is theirs, cuz if that was the case, everyone would be knocking off someone's chocolate chip cookie? or oatmeal?….

    I've never had the momofuku one, but this was the first time i had it, and like you said, they were delicious =)

    happy eating!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Your description of these cookies is great. I can just see you taking a bite, then writing a little something, take bite and repeat. I know that's my style when I'm reviewing…

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