EATVENT: Meat Pies and other Thanksgiving goodies at M. Wells

m wells thanksgiving 1

Dear Food Diary:

French class is one of my favorite memories from Toronto public school. Mind you, when I finally made it to Paris, I couldn’t parler any Francais. But those wonderful Tourtière (meat pies) our teacher – mademoiselle M – made for the holidays are still vivid enough, I can smell it. I haven’t had one just like it since, but  genuine nostalgia might be to blame…

These delicious memories came back while reading M.Wells ‘ Thanksgiving email – meat pie season has started!

Since my birthday is close to Thanksgiving, I asked StalkerHubby for a Tourtière (whole meat pie) instead of a birthday cake. And calling it a birth-giving day. I’m getting a 9″ pie crust packed with confit turkey legs, ground pork, potatoes, onions and beer (bake at home for 4 to 6 people) $30.

There’s still time to order yours and other goodies to make the holidays a little easier:

Turkey ham = boneless heritage turkey breast, smoked and glazed with the right spices (for 4 to 12 people, depending) … $15/lb from 6 to 9 lbs

Stuffing = Foie gras bread pudding (for about 4 people) … $40

Pumpkin pie = 9″ pie smothered with rosemary fluff (for about 8 people) … $30

Turkey gravy = made with juices and drippings, the magic wand of any dinner … $8

Cranberry ketchup = the world’s best condiment … $8

How to order:
Get your order in now through Monday, Nov 24th (or until the larder runs out). Call: 718-786-9060 or Write: and all your questions will be answered.

How to pick up:
Pick up your dishes at either the Steakhouse or the Dinette during regular business hours from Sunday 11/23 to Wednesday 11/26 (including Tuesday).

Cheers to a happy and yummy holiday with the ones you love! 

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