Category Archives: Outer Boroughs
BUN-KER Vietnamese: Good Pho-king Vietnamese Food

Dear Food Diary:
Sometimes ignorance really is bliss. In some instances, it can lead to a really good pho-king Vietnamese meal. Case in point, our adventure to Bun-ker Vietnamese.
StalkerHubby and I were in Bushwick one evening and from the map, it was an easy 15-20 minute walk. Not knowing how isolated and empty the cross from Bushwick to Ridgewood would be at night, we ventured on foot. In the dark, amongst warehouses, the only 2 pedestrians in sigh. Our head told us to go back, but thankfully our tummies, as always, won the argument.
EATVENT: Meat Pies and other Thanksgiving goodies at M. Wells
Dear Food Diary:
French class is one of my favorite memories from Toronto public school. Mind you, when I finally made it to Paris, I couldn’t parler any Francais. But those wonderful Tourtière (meat pies) our teacher – mademoiselle M – made for the holidays are still vivid enough, I can smell it. I haven’t had one just like it since, but genuine nostalgia might be to blame…
These delicious memories came back while reading M.Wells ‘ Thanksgiving email – meat pie season has started!
DUMPLING GALAXY: More than 80 types of dumpling fillings

Dear Food Diary:
I’m a total dumpling addict. I’ll have them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. There’s always a bag in my freezer. If I don’t have time to make my own I buy them frozen. So you can understand how Dumpling Galaxy and their more than 80 dumpling fillings rocketed to the top of my eat list.
M. Wells Steakhouse: Wagyu Tomahawk makes carnivores happy

Dear Food Diary:
I’ve been obsessed with Instagram lately. While browsing through hundreds of mouth watering photos last Friday, my feed was flooded with shots of an insane wagyu tomahawk from M. Wells Steakhouse.
The steakhouse has been on my list and these photos made it top priority. (I weeped when the first M. Wells diner closed down).
At 9am, I messaged my fellow carnivore J. She teased only I would get excited about steak in the morning, but jumped on a moo wagon with me, no questions asked. J, StalkerBoy and I left LIC Sunday night as very happy carnivores.

Dear Food Diary:
When it comes to hot pot, Flushing just rules over the other boroughs. With so many options, Little Sheep Mongolian Hot Pot is top on my list.
I couldn’t take this cold weather any longer, so we ventured into my old hood yesterday for some good old steamy dipping fun. Seriously, the perfect winter fix a train ride away.