Blue Hill at Stone Barns: Fall in NY

Dear Food Diary:

Last Sunday PianoBoy and I took a short drive upstate for a day out of the city and close to nature. It was great walking amongst the fall colors and farm animals, even the sun came out to play.
Originally we made plans for lunch in the main dining room, but it was “formal” and I wasn’t in the mood for dressing up, just wanted to stroll around in the fresh crisp air, get the most out of fall before winter comes around, so we decided to save it for another time (very soon). And had a nice lunch at the cafe instead.

The menu was very simple (seasonal), there’s a row of tempting baked goods, jams and pickles along the walls.

Sandwiches, salads, quiche, and soup. Self served.

We settled for all this, about $35. (Parking is $5 but is deducted with any purchase above $15 in the gift shop or cafe, which is a pretty good deal)
The salads were really fresh and colorful. Sweet beets were lightly marinated, the grains turned out to be a bit undercooked for me. My favorite was the curry garbanzo beans, cauliflower, squash and sweet potato, it had a hint of curry which complimented the natural flavors of the veggies, you could taste each ingredient and I enjoyed that, could of had another plate of it, yum.
Homemade bologna was tasty, and I loved the minced pickle veggies on top, a hint of tart and sweetness, went well with the mustard and meat. Bread was a thick layer of soft chewiness, overall a good sandwich.
The Bacon Quiche had a really nice crust (I had to move 2 pieces aside to get to this one at the counter), I wished it was warm, it would of made it so much better. Obviously at some point, when it was still hot, it was amazing, the crust is super buttery, and there was a good amount of bacon, but having it cold really didn’t do it justice. It was a little chilly sitting out in the courtyard, so the mixed bean soup was nice and warm, beans were tender and the soup was very rich and hearty.
We walked all over, and unexpectedly reached the woods, where folks were riding horses by the water, and fall foliage became our carpet, each step we took made a soft crunch, it really was a lovely afternoon. We ended our day with cappuccino and a chocolate chip cookie.
It’s not too cold yet, and the fall in NY is truly beautiful, I highly recommend it. It’s a great way to spend a day away from the huzzle and buzzle of Manhattan. Even if you don’t have a car, there’s Metro-North from Grand Central and arrive in less than 1 hr. (directions)
I’m awaiting my next visit in the spring time, and hopefully dinner at Blue Hill NYC in a couple weeks.
P.S. Chubby’s RATING:
630 Bedford Road, Pocantico Hills

Blue Hill at Stone Barns on Urbanspoon

5 Responses to Blue Hill at Stone Barns: Fall in NY

  1. Anonymous says:

    I love that Blue Hill has bologna! I used to love it as a kid, but I think of it as such a cheap, throwaway meat now. Homemade, though, that's another story.

  2. Anonymous says:

    yeah it tastes different and less greasy than what I remember, I haven't had it for a looong time =)

  3. Anonymous says:

    this place looks amazing – i'm going to go visit when i'm on the east coast this holiday season!

  4. Anonymous says:

    It would be nice during spring, summer too! hope you'll enjoy it! =)

  5. Anonymous says:

    I should digg your post so other people can see it, very useful, I had a tough time finding the results searching on the web, thanks.

    – Murk

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